Saturday, June 9, 2012

Physical Health - Saturday

Physical Health is all about body movement. What better day for this then Saturday when the whole family can get out and move. Really, there are an endless amount of activities you ca do here, and you should definitely do what works best for your family.

Today - we are building tunnels and forts at our house, then heading to the local park and swimming pool!

Body Movement

PBS Skill Targeted: "Rolls, crawls, creeps, walks, jumps, runs, and climbs. Can crawl through tunnels, go over and under low obstacles, and move swiftly up and down ramps. Climbs low steps, pushes boxes and pulls toys."



Just like the forts we all built from blankets and furniture when we were kids, this tunnel is constructed from anything and everything right in your living or play room. The goal is the make the tunnel as long as possible, and include some obstacles in in (IE - a stack of pillows at mid point, a towel hanging down in the way at another.

After the tunnel is constructed you can see how many different ways you can crawl through it. This is all about developing fine motor skills. Can you crawl backwards? Can you slither like a snake? Can you hop like a frog?

To extend play time and tap into that toddler imagination, you can also turn this into dramatic play, maybe you are animals that live in the tunnel, maybe your toddler is a tunnel monster that emerges only to try and steal cookies.

Have fun and happy tunneling!

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