Thursday, June 21, 2012

Science - Thursday

We visited the Nature Park 'round our parts yesterday and we saw some of these!

Little I was VERY interested in them, and so today's science activity was born.

Life Sciences

PBS Skill Targeted: May know that pets need food or plants need water because he or she helps with these tasks. Begins to understand some personal needs (e.g., food for hunger, clothing or blankets for warmth).

Pine Cone Bird Feeder

  • Heavy duty string or yarn
  • Pine cone
  • Peanut butter
  • Small plastic knife
  • Birdseed
  • Small paper bowl or plate
  1. Tie the string around the top of the shoelace and knot it, leaving enough string to hang it up from a tree branch.
  2. Give your child the plastic knife and have her spread peanut butter over the pine cone, until it’s completely covered.
  3. Pour the bird seed into the disposable plate or bowl, then let your child roll the pine cone in it.

Hang your new creation on a tree branch near a window, and wait for some birds! As you observe your visitors, talk to your child about what’s the same about each of them, and what’s different. You may just seed yourself a birdwatcher for life!

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